Mandatory vaccines against the following Preventable diseases
COVID-19 Vaccine
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).
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FLU Shot
Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness that spreads from person to person through coughing, sneezing.
Vaxon, Vaccination and Immunization Clinic can help you prevent, recognize the symptoms or treat the flu.
Preventing the flu is easier than treating it. Here are simple steps you can take.
– Get your Flu Shot CDC recommends everyone get a yearly flu vaccine as the first and most important step in protecting against the flu.
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Pneumococcal Vaccine
Vaxon is serious about immunizations and Vaccination onsite and in Clinic. — shielding your health and wellbeing against any threat. Especially the threat of pneumococcal disease. Or more commonly, the serious infections that pneumococcal disease leads to: infections of the lungs (pneumonia), the blood (bacteremia), and the covering around the brain and spinal cord (meningitis). It is spread from person-to-person by coughing, sneezing or direct contact with an infected person and kills more people in the United States each year than all other vaccine-preventable diseases combined.
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Shingles Vaccination
Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox.
A brand new shingles vaccine, Shingrix® has recently been approved by the FDA. For full protection, you will need 2 doses administered 2-6 months apart. In clinical studies, the 2-dose vaccine series has been shown to be 97% effective in preventing shingles in those 50 and older and 90% effective for those 70 and older.
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Pertussis Vaccination
Pertussis is passed from person-to-person and is a highly contagious disease found only in humans.
Vaxon, we’re committed to helping keep you and your family well. You might not know that a severe threat to your family’s well being – especially in infants and children – is pertussis, also known as whooping cough. Whooping cough cases declined in the 1970’s and 80’s, but are now on the rise with outbreaks occurring in several states. Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by bacteria.
[All you need to know about Pertussis (Whooping Cough).]
Tetanus Vaccination
Tetanus is a bacterial infection caused by Clostridium tetani. Tetanus bacteria can be found everywhere in the environment, including manure, soil and dust.
At VaxOn, we’re committed to keeping you well by providing the Tetanus Mandatory Vaccine for adolescents and adults to protect from the disease. It’s also our job to keep you informed. Tetanus is an infection caused by bacteria that can be found almost everywhere, which enters the body through cuts or wounds. The most common symptom of tetanus is painful tightening of the muscles, usually all over the body. It can lead to “locking” of the jaw, which makes it difficult to open the mouth or swallow. Tetanus leads to death in up to 2 cases out of 10.
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Diphtheria Vaccine
Diphtheria is a bacterial infection usually spread through coughing or sneezing. It may also be spread through skin lesions or contact with a contaminated object. Its primary symptom is a thick covering in the back of the throat that can cause breathing difficulty, paralysis, heart failure, and in some instances, death.
VaxOn is committed to bolstering your wellness by helping you to avoid serious diseases like diphtheria by providing mandatory vaccines to protect you from diseases. Diphtheria is caused by a toxin-producing bacterium called Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which attaches to the lining of the respiratory system, destroying healthy tissues. It’s primary symptom is a thick covering in the back of the throat that can cause breathing difficulty, paralysis, heart failure, and in some instances, death.
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MENINGITIS Vaccination
Bacterial meningitis is a serious infection of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
VaxOn is well aware of the dangers of meningitis – an illness that can have serious ramifications. Bacterial meningitis is an infection of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. The bacteria can also cause other severe illnesses including infection of the blood (sepsis). Meningococcal disease is spread from person-to-person via respiratory and throat secretions (e.g. coughing, kissing, sharing utensils, etc). The most common symptoms are a sudden onset of headache, stiff neck and high fever. Additional symptoms may include vomiting, nausea, increased sensitivity to light, confusion, chills, lethargy, seizures and a rash.
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Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease caused by a virus found in the stool of an infected person. It is usually spread when a person ingests fecal matter — even in microscopic amounts. It is primarily spread person-to-person via close, personal contact, by drinking contaminated water, and sometimes by eating contaminated food. Hepatitis A can cause flu-like symptoms, yellowing of the skin or eyes, severe stomach pain, and diarrhea. Hepatitis A may be mild or severe, lasting anywhere from a few weeks to several months. In rare cases, liver failure or death may occur.
Vaxon is committed to total wellness and helping our customers avoid any disease that may interfere with achieving wellness by providing Mandatory vaccines to adolescents and adults to protect from Hepatitis A. Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease caused by a virus found in the stool of an infected person.
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HEPATITIS B Vaccination
Hepatitis B is a serious liver disease caused by a virus. It is spread through contact with the blood and other bodily fluids of an infected person (e.g., sex, sharing needles, toothbrushes, or razors, and tattoo or body piercing with unsterile equipment). You do not get infected from sneezing, coughing, kissing, or holding hands. About one third of people who are infected with Hepatitis B in the United States don’t know how they got it. Short-term illness may include loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, tiredness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, and pain in muscles, joints, and the stomach. Long-term illness may include liver damage and liver cancer. Each year, it is estimated that 80,000 people, mostly young adults, get infected with the Hepatitis B virus. Vaxon is committed to keeping you well and free of diseases like Hepatitis B by providing mandatory vaccines onsite and in Clinic. Hepatitis B is a serious liver disease caused by the Hepatitis B virus.
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Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States. About 79 million people in the U.S. are infected. Most people have no symptoms and are unaware that they are infected. While most HPV infections eventually go away as the body clears the virus, some women will develop persistent high-risk HPV infections, which may lead to cervical cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that over 12,000 women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer and more than 4,000 will die from cervical cancer in the U.S. in 2014. Vaxon foremost concern is the health and wellness of our customers. And one of our biggest concerns is helping our customers avoid diseases like human papillomavirus (HPV).
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